Meet The Candidates For Hobbayne Ward

Conservative representatives in local election

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Councillor Colm Costello

Colm has lived in Hanwell for over 20 years.  He has been your Councillor for eight years and believes that the Council needs to dramatically improve how it communicates with and treats residents.

He is also a governor at a local School and a chairman of a governing body in another School. Colm’s number one priority is that the Council should listen to residents and deliver services that they want, not what the Council thinks they need. If you re-elect Colm, he will be your voice in the Town Hall. / 07958 291 897

Eva Shack

Eva has raised her family in the area over the last thirty years, including acting as principal carer for an elderly relative for the last six years. Eva now wants to serve her community. She is a governor in a primary school and also has experience in mediation. These are skills she wants to use to serve the residents of Hobbayne if you elect her as one of your three local Councillors on May 22nd. 

07591 941 347

Outspoken Cllr Colm Costello is joined by Eva Shack seeking to be elected in Hobbayne Ward.

All three who are residents in Hanwell are dismayed by the Labour’s Administration attempts over the past four years to ruin the community/ village feel of the area.  Starting with threatening to close the Hanwell Library; giving away Warren Farm to a football club for 200 years; the on-going hit and miss waste and recycling service, and mostly the decision to downgrade the cleaning of parks.  In short, Labour has not delivered for Hanwell.

A Conservative Administration will clean up Hanwell again by fixing the waste and recycling contract so it works for residents and abolish Labour’s £40 garden tax and reinstate a weekly collection service. 

We will work with Boris Johnson and TfL to make Hanwell station accessible with a new lift, to open up the southern entrance and to increase the frequency of Crossrail services.

The previous Conservative Council started the redevelopment of Hanwell Community Centre.  We would like to ensure its future by making it operate as a charitable trust. 

We campaigned with residents to save Hanwell Library collecting 4,500 signatures. We will keep our libraries open and more importantly stop Labour’s secret plans to close them by reducing their opening hours and book stock.

Drinking on the street and in the parks of Hanwell is anti-social.  We want to tackle the street drinking culture and will start by working more closely with the Police to ensure that the Borough’s Controlled Drinking Zones are enforced.

We recognise that families need help with the cost of living, so will freeze Council Tax for the next four years, unlike Labour.  We will also freeze all parking charges for 4 years. 

All of these key Conservative Pledges have been fully costed by the Council’s senior finance officers and are deliverable with your support on Thursday, 22 May.

Candidates for Hobbayne Ward

May 21st 2014