Ealing Arts Centre - What Now? |
Further council investigation means delays to project
In April 2010 the Ealing Labour Party made this election pledge - ''Explore the possibilities of establishing a permanent Arts Centre in Ealing”. Following a presentation of its independently prepared Business Plan to the Council’s Overview and Scrutiny Committee, Ealing Arts Centre did not get a recommendation to Cabinet to support the Arts Centre project. The Committee decided to set up a sub-committee to examine the detail with Ealing Arts Centre Ltd and council officers, which will delay the project by at least a couple of months. Then the project will still have to go to the Labour-controlled Council for final approval. Local dance teachers will be disappointed as they are geared up to start classes early next year. An overwhelming response from dance teachers has resulted in the “virtual” studio being 60% “booked” The directors of Ealing Arts Centre Ltd will continue their efforts to achieve what they know residents want - a thriving arts centre in the town hall, which will give opportunities to thousands of people to practice or to be entertained. The value of their efforts over 2 years, plus other specialist advisors, has been calculated at over £100,000 – freely given. They are now asking the Council to allocate the £570,000 that is ring fenced for arts and culture so that Phase 1 of the project can be started.
October 5, 2010 |