Police Cuts... A Political Issue

Labour say Tories are in denial about the scale services will have to be cut

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Police Cuts? What Cuts? Says Local Councillor

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After accusations from Conservative Councillor Benjamin Dennehy that Labour is misleading the public on the issue of cuts to the police service, Councillor Ranjit Dheer the Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Community Services and Safety sent us this reply:

"Cllr Dennehey is in complete denial about the scale of the cuts his government and his mayor have introduced. The government have cut 20% from police budgets.

''Ask any senior police officer in this country whether they can make 20% cuts to their budgets without cutting police officers and they will tell you that they cannot. Cutting police officers is government policy. That is the government that Cllr Dennehey helped to get elected.

''Our new police partnership model is an innovative new way of working. The police and the council will work more closely to ensure that we make the best use of the powers that the two services have.

''The police, through Borough Commander Andy Rowell, have publicly stated their support for our plans. We are being forced to find savings, and we have done this whilst putting more officers on the streets.

''The opposition have made no suggestions on how to make savings whilst keeping Ealing safe. Given Cllr Dennehey has written this entire piece without making any suggestions so I can only assume he has no idea."

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6 June 2011


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