Police Cuts? What Cuts?

Conservative Councillor Benjamin Dennehy claims Labour is misleading public:

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At the Ealing Community & Police Consultative Committee meeting on Wednesday 25th May, local Police Borough Commander Andy Rowell confirmed that there are no planned or anticipated cuts to frontline Police services in London this year or next.

Despite the local Labour Council constantly misleading members of the public over planned cuts to Police,
it is simply untrue.

In a humiliating moment for Labour Councillor Tej Ram Bagha of Dormers Well ward, Andy Rowell answered his question with a simple truth, there are no cuts planned. Cllr Tej Ram Bagha had asked; “How do the Police intended to cope with policing between now and the Olympics with the planned £65million in local cuts being made by the Coalition Government?”

Cllr Dheer, the Labour Councillor responsible for Safer Communities confirmed, in response to a question of mine, that they will be proceeding with their policy of spending residents council tax money on
new uniforms for Council employees to make them more visible and create the ‘false’ impression of greater policing in the borough.

He confirmed that they would have NO extra training, NO extra powers nor could he confirm what type of uniform would be provided, i.e. stab proof like what PCSO and PCs have. He also had no idea of the cost associated with this policy.

Basically all Labour are doing is spending money on new uniforms, not police or law enforcement. These council employees will do nothing different to what they currently do already, except look a bit smarter perhaps.

I challenge Cllr Dheer to explain whether or not he and the Labour party will claim that this policy constitutes the keeping of their manifesto pledge of; “Action on crime with MORE uniformed officers on the streets in your area.”

I assume he will argue that they promise ‘uniformed officers’ not law enforcement officers, hence any council officer given a NEW uniform constitutes fulfilment of this pledge. A cunning, but blatantly misleading promise.

And finally, official figures released by the Metropolitan Police show that Ealing borough has an extra 5, 176 patrols annually since 2008 and under Mayor Boris Johnson we have also seen an increase in PCs by 23 and Special Constables by 74. This just reaffirms that Labour are
deliberately misleading Ealing residents over policing. There are no police cuts to frontline staff. In fact they have gone up in Ealing.

Cllr Benjamin Dennehy
Hanger Hill Ward

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6 June 2011


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