E-fit Issued After Man Exposes Himself Near River Brent

Suspect fled in the direction of Gurnell Grove

Picture: Met Police


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July 12, 2024

An e-fit image has been issued after a report of indecent exposure in Ealing last month.

Detectives investigating wish to identify the man pictured as part of their inquiries into the incident which took place on 17 June.

An 18-year-old woman was walking on the footpath next to the River Brent near Ruislip Road, when she noticed a man close to her who was naked from the waist down.

The victim, although shocked, was not harmed and the man fled along the canal in the direction of Gurnell Grove.

He is described as being of Asian or Middle Eastern appearance, possibly aged in his thirties, with black medium length hair and of average height.

Anyone who has information or footage can report online, call 101 or post on X @MetCC quoting 6759/17JUN.

To remain 100 per cent anonymous call the independent charity Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111 or visit Crimestoppers-uk.org.

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