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If you go to local ward forum meetings, you will know that residents are invited to put forward proposals for improving your local area with the use of your local ward forum budget of £40,000. This is a participatory budget which the Council seeks to spend with input from local residents.

All ideas are reviewed by local Councillors and Ealing Council services provide information on cost, feasibility and time lines. All residents need to do is advise Ealing Council of what the improvement is, which part of the ward the improvement is needed in and how you think the proposal will benefit the area.

Over the last two years projects delivered through the ward forum process have been many and varied. They have included:

new paving
double yellow lines
benches and bins in parks
equipment for fishing projects.
the coordination of football leagues for young people
fashion and tailoring classes
new street trees
a mess tent for a local scout group
coordination of summer festivals
subsidise cost of school bus

This is your opportunity to propose an idea which you think will help to improve your local area. Please can you send you proposals into us at mywardmatters@ealing, listing your ward's name in the subject heading, no later than Monday 17th May 2010. If you know of any local residents who would be interested in sending their proposals in, please forward this page to them.

May 11, 2010