Ealing Property Prices Remain Firm

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The prices of Ealing W5 property have reached a new high during the latest quarter.

The average W5 property changed hands for £463,836 according to the latest quarterly data from the Land Registry. This isup by 3.7% from the previous level of £447,054 which was also a record. Comparing with the same period a year ago prices are up by 19.7%.

In West Ealing W13 properties fell below the London average to £334,648. This was down by 14.6% compared to the last quarter but up by 3.1% compared to the same period last year. The price trend seems to have more to do with the mix of properties being sold in the area during the quarter than the underlying market. Flat sales rose strongly in volume whereas there were relatively few houses sold.

Ealing has previously been highlighted in studies as an area were the relationship between property prices and average incomes is the most stretched so stock market volatility may yet have had a bigger impact here than in other parts of London.

Prices in London as a whole were up by 14.3% with the average property costing £354,625. London is seeing the highest levels of increase in the country.

House prices in England and Wales dropped by 0.4 per cent in December compared to November, taking the average price to £184,469. It is the first fall for England and Wales since August 2005. Over the year prices were up by 6.7%

The numbers are subject to revision as usually some properties are added late to the Land Registry's database.

Ealing Property Prices to December 31st 2007

W5 Post Code Area

Area Detached Sales Semi-Det Sales Terraced Sales Flat/
Sales Total Ave. Total Sales
W5 1 0 0 700333 6 440452 16 274971 19 401797 41
W5 2 1347400 8 606650 3 528408 6 348706 33 545538 50
W5 3 1317500 4 728900 5 0 0 311362 31 464168 40
W5 4 0 0 401666 3 507441 23 294195 23 400870 49
W5 5 0 0 736650 9 672750 4 287795 10 530383 23
1337433 12 673127 26 501629 49 310590 116 463836 203
Change in Quarter
4.4% -20.0% 7.1% -25.7% 0.5% -10.9% 7.2% -15.9% 3.8% -16.5%
Change in year
- - - - - - - - 19.7% -


W13 Post Code Area

Area Semi-Det Sales Terraced Sales Flat/Mais Sales Total
Total Sales
W13 0 0 0 493333 6 274645 65 293126 71
W13 8 0 0 559000 3 302891 41 320353 44
W13 9 563537 12 425416 24 267247 20 398524 56
563537 12 449909 33 282662 126 334648 171
Change in Quarter
1.6% -60.0% 1.2% -44.1% 1.6% 40.0% -14.6% -6.0%
Change in Year - - - - - - 3.1% -



Data in this report is subject to crown copyright protection.

March 14, 2008