Theatre West Four: 'The Importance Of Being Earnest'

A new production of Oscar Wilde's play

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For more information on 'Earnest', contact Christina Balmer. You can email Christina at, or call 07779 302 310

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At the beginning of May 2015, Chiswick theatre company Theatre West Four will be staging Wilde’s classic comedy of manners, The Importance of Being Earnest at Questors Studio Theatre.

Theatre West Four: 'The Importance Of Being Earnest'

Stuffed full of memorable quotes and witticisms, this late Victorian satire promises to be as sharp as ever, as Wilde teases the conventions and foibles of polite society, trivialising traditional institutions such as marriage and pedigree and spinning a story of farcical proportions.

For the past fifty years, Theatre West Four has been staging amateur productions in West London. Members come from all over London to participate in readings, workshops,
rehearsals and productions. The group welcomes enthusiasts interested in performing, directing, producing, stage management and all aspects of theatre production.

Tickets can be purchased on the Questors web site. You can also telephone the box office at 020 8567 5184.

April 2, 2015