New networking group for women

West London Women in Business for fun, friendship and connections

  Related links

Ealing Rotaract

Trojans Speakers Club

West London Business Network

For full details and a registration form please email Lynne Healy at or call
0208 580 9511

The criteria for membership of this newly formed networking group is simple - if you are a woman who works in business in any capacity you are more than welcome to join them.

Their aim is to provide a low cost, fun, informal, flexible and dynamic forum for working women to meet regularly and develop networks for mutual support. They will provide opportunities for you to learn and develop new skills from each other and to raise the profile of your business.

To help them launch this exciting new venture they invite you to join us for their inaugural meeting. The Kids Cookery School in Acton will be hosts for the evening with Fiona Hamilton Fairly, the founder of this groundbreaking charity, giving an inspirational presentation on the work of the school. Her theme will be 'the journey from dream to reality - becoming an award winning entrepreneur'.

After this there will be plenty of time to meet other local, professional women, forge new friendships and have fun!

The charge for all this will be a nominal £5.00 and will include drinks and light refreshments.

October 4, 2004