Walk This Way

Find out details about regular health walks through Ealing

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With Spring beginning to show itself there's no better time to start some gentle exercise.

Several guided walks take place each week across Ealing and a new one will be happening at Acton Park this Saturday, 14 March.

Councillor Hitesh Tailor, cabinet member for health and adults services, said: “Many of us know we should be more active, though it can be easy to find excuses. If you find it difficult to get active, walking is a great way to get started.  You don't need any special equipment and a brisk walk will go towards keeping you healthy.”

Ealing’s guided health walks are run for Ealing Council by Southall Community Alliance. There are regular group walks in Greenford, Southall, Hanwell and Ealing Broadway. Anyone who would like to take part this weekend can head to Acton Park this Saturday, 14 March at 12pm.

Simply arrive at the park’s main gate on the corner of The Vale and East Acton Lane and join-up then; there’s no charge and the only ‘equipment’ needed is some comfortable shoes and a bottle of water.   The guided walk will take around 40 minutes.

Councillor Tailor added: “With spring around the corner, joining one of our health walks will give you the chance to explore Ealing’s many parks and green spaces, get to know your local area and meet new people too. I hope that they will encourage people to be more active, enjoy this regular form of exercise and make new friends.”

The minimum recommendation from doctors to keep healthy and prevent illness such as heart disease, cancer and diabetes is 150 minutes of activity a week.  This can be just 30 minutes a day, five  days a week, and can be broken down into chunks of ten or fifteen minutes at a time.

Councillor Tailor added: “Walking can help to keep your mind and your social life healthy too, so why not make a start and find a walk near you today, or join us at Acton Park this Saturday? We're a friendly bunch and we'd love you to join us.”

A full list of Ealing’s guided health walks is available on the Southall Community Alliance website: southallcommunityalliance.org



11th March 2015