It's A Sell-Out!

Tickets for Walpole Park Olympic event went in 5 hours

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More than 8000 tickets for the Olympic torch party in Walpole Park were taken within five hours of being released - leaving thousands disappointed.

But it's hoped more people will be able to witness the historic occasion via images on a big screen.

Ealing is one of only six boroughs in the captial which will host the Olympic torch overnight and a big event is planned to welcome its arrival at the park.

The Council is hosting the 'party' on Tuesday 24th July on behalf of Olympic organisers LOCOG and is running it in accordance with its guidance.

The Council say that the capacity of the venue has been decided by LOCOG in liaison with police and is based on the size of audience expected to be able to fit in front of the stage.

The free tickets had to be applied for online - with some available by telephone, and there was upset from many who didn't get through.

A Council spokesperson said: "We are pleased to be hosting this free event on behalf of LOCOG and delighted that it has been so popular with local people. More than 8000 tickets were made available online and by telephone and all tickets were allocated within five hours.

''Because of the high level of interest we are exploring options for using a big screen to increase the capacity and make the event open to more people. We also hope those without tickets will join the celebrations by lining the route to cheer the torchbearers."



May 16th 2012