Sex & The Menopause - A Free Talk

RCOG Consumers' Forum Public Lecture


The RCOG is located at 27 Sussex Place, Regent's Park, London, NW1 4RG. A map showing location is available here.
Telephone number is 020 7772 6200.

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Dr Claudine Domoney will address issues and concerns for women who encounter problems during and after the menopause.

The talk takes place at the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, Regents Park London on 2nd December, 6.30pm - 10.00pm.

Topics include:

•What are the sexual changes during and after the menopause?
•What are the physical, psychological and emotional issues?
•Interventions that may be helpful
•Relationships matter
•Early recognition of physical factors can help
•Treatments e.g. local moisturisers, oestrogen and testosterone
•Do they really work and what about the side effects?

Book Your Place Now -email your details to with the meeting title as subject.

Click here to open a booking form in a new window or tab in your browser.

For any queries regarding this event, please contact:
Cathryn Seymour
Tel: +44 (0) 207 772 6279

This meeting will be recorded and made available as a webcast following the event.

November 27, 2010