Top Level Football Coaching in Ealing

QPR working in the community to improve standards

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Will to Win is joining forces with Queens Park Rangers Football Club to bring top level soccer coaching to Ealing’s kids.

The QPR Community Trust will work in partnership with Will to Win Ealing to bring the Club’s expertise to Will to Win’s coaching programmes, camps and drop-in sessions at the community sport centre’s two state-of-the-art five-a-side pitches at Lammas Park.

The partnership will be launched officially at a special free Family Football Fun Day at Will to Win’s Ealing sports centre, which starts at 10am in Lammas Park on Saturday 12th March.

As part of the partnership, the Club will be rolling out their brand new Football Outreach Development programme at Will to Win Ealing – to the delight of QPR Football Outreach Development Manager Dave Robinson.

“To work in partnership with Will to Win is a major boost for us as it gives us an opportunity to forge stronger & deeper connections in another Borough of West London where QPR is at the heart of the community.

''We have a large fan base in the area and we will be working closely with them as well as other members of the community to showcase what we can offer to them. We will be coaching kids as young as 3 up to the age 15 over a range of different projects. We are expanding as a Club and this is another example of this.”

"We're thrilled to be working with QPR, which is a massive force for sport in the area," added Will to Win's Director Steve Riley. “QPR has so much to offer Ealing's kids in terms of coaching and football expertise. With QPR’s help we can reach out even further to local kids from all backgrounds and hopefully get them off the sofa, away from the computer games and outside running around instead.”


Will to Win/QPR partnership – Key facts:

? QPR will provide coaching for all junior football drop-in sessions, camps and parties as well as assisting with the on-pitch running of the junior football leagues and one day tournaments

? Will to Win’s junior coaching programme will mirror QPR's football outreach development plan

? This exciting new partnership between Will to Win and QPR will help young up-and-coming talent to maximise their potential by placing them in QPR's football development pyramid

? The goal of the partnership is to bring quality football coaching to all sections of the community

Will to Win Key Facts:

? Will to Win runs five community sports centres across London at Regents Park, Hyde Park, Chiswick Park, Greenwich and Ealing

? Football is free to local schools at Will to Win Ealing, which also runs junior leagues and regular tournaments

? Will to Win Ealing has two state-of-the-art 3G five-a-side pitches with floodlights in addition to its 12 tennis courts

? Will to Win Hyde Park will also be offering football activities in the future

How to find Will to Win:

Will to Win Ealing
Culmington Road, London W13 9NJ
Tel: 020 8840 0888




08 March 2011