Police Open Day at Walpole Park

The sun shone and Walpole Park was packed

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The Police helicopter proved to be very popular - with kids and adults alike

Borough Commander Andy Rowell

Police mascot PCSO Steve

ActonW3.com, ChiswickW4.com and EalingToday.co.uk

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Police and public put the Ealing riots firmly behind them yesterday and enjoyed a day of blazing sunshine with plenty to do and see courtesy of the Metropolitan Police Service.

Thousands of people turned up to the Open Day at Walpole Park and were entertained with a variety of displays and stalls. The doors of Ealing Police Station were thrown open and big queues formed for the guided tours of the custody suite.

The arrival of the Police helicopter and the chance to see it close-up was another highlight of a very successful day.

Police Cars from today...

...and some a bit older

The ever popular fire service...

and army...



3rd October 2011