Ealing's oldest Brownie pack seeks new leader

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The first Brownie unit to be established in Ealing faces being closed this summer as the volunteer who runs their weekly, term-time meetings is moving to Bristol.

The Brownie unit has been running for 16 years and currently has a membership of 22 girls.

Heather Whittard of the 1st Ealing Brownies says:

�We want people who are enthusiastic and love working with children. We offer full training and support plus the chance to have the most fun that you ever had! There are endless opportunities for you to get involved in things you never thought you would, last week we had the Brownies climbing up a 30 foot climbing wall! The Brownies are brilliant, whatever I give to the pack I get back ten fold. I will really miss working with such an amazing group of young girls"

Brownies can join from the age of 7, and stay until they are 10, when they can then move on to Guides. Their meetings are held every Wednesday 6pm-7.15pm on Dorset Road in South Ealing.

Can you help? Can you spare a couple of hours a week to help run the meetings? The activities include playing games, learning about themselves and their environment, crafts and singing. It provides a good environment for girls to grow in confidence, make new friends and have lots of fun.

Please contact helpingoutgirlguidinginealing@hotmail.co.uk or call on 01276 472359 To find out more about Girlguiding UK look on www.girlguiding.org.uk


May 26, 2006