Andy Murray's Mum Helps Ealing Families Get Active

Tennis roadshow comes to Lammas Park

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Andy Murray's mum is bringing her roadshow to Ealing to help get London’s families more active this summer

Judy Murray is joining forces with Will to Win Community Sports centres at the Lammas Park Tennis Centre on Sunday 24th June.

Murray, whose two sons Andy and Jamie Murray will be competing at Wimbledon next week, launched the RBS Set4Sport scheme to encourage families to take up active games and make sport more accessible. Will to Win is committed to providing free and affordable tennis to children and adults of all backgrounds and abilities.

“The message we want to get across is that sport is for everyone and that it doesn’t have to be expensive for kids and adults to have fun through sport - even tennis,” said Murray. “We want families to come down to Will to Win Lammas Park and have a great day out and try out some of the games and activities for themselves so they can see how easy it is.”

The activities that will feature in the Roadshow have been devised by Murray herself, based on games that she played with Andy and Jamie when they were growing up. Some of them are specifically designed to develop the skills needed for tennis but all the activities can be played at home - in the house or garden - using everyday household objects.

“It’s great to know that kids who get into sport can some to places like Will to Win, where they can play tennis and mini-tennis for free and the tennis is affordable for families. I’d love to see more parks tennis schemes like this happening around the country.”

Will to Win runs six community sports centres in London’s parks, including Regents Park, Hyde Park, Greenwich Park, Chiswick Park and Lammas Park and Pittshanger Park in Ealing. All Will to Win centres offer free tennis 3pm-6pm weekdays to under-16s and accompanying adults. Will to Win also runs kids’ tennis camps as part of its commitment to affordable and accessible tennis and is hosting the London Kids Tennis Challenge, a free kids mini-tennis schools project run by the Tennis For a Life charity under the Inspired by London 2012 banner.

For more information about RBS Set4Sport or to download the official RBS Set4Sport app go to


18th June 2012

June 18, 2012