Trick Or Treat?

Safety tips from the Police for a happy Halloween

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In the run up to Halloween operational activity is being stepped up across the borough to prevent trouble-makers from spoiling the fun for the vast majority.

A reminder to potential trick or treaters that although Halloween can be a great deal of fun, it can also be a problem and cause worry for some of the more vulnerable members of our communities - especially the elderly.

Halloween can sometimes be spoilt by the activities of older children who use this time of year to deliberately intimidate and frighten young and old through their anti-social behaviour. Ealing police will not tolerate bad behaviour and will deal quickly and effectively by seizing face masks from people intent on misbehaving.

If you do not want trick or treaters knocking at your door please contact your local safer neighbourhood team who will provide you with a poster to display on your front door or window. The poster clearly requests no trick or treaters.

Key Safety Messages:

Advice to Parents, and carers -

* If your child is trick or treating make sure either you or a responsible trusted adult goes with them.
* Only go to houses where you or your friends know the residents
* Ensure you know where your kids are and they know how to behave. What kids think might be fun, could be frightening to the younger children and the elderly.
* If you see a “No trick or treat” sign do not knock on the door.
* Report any anti-social behaviour or concerns to your local Safer Neighbourhoods Teams. If it’s an emergency always dial 999.

Advice to young people –
Remember we don’t mind you enjoying yourselves but we will not tolerate unacceptable behaviour.

* Stay safe by staying with others don’t split up into smaller groups.
* Do not take any valuable property out with you.
* If you see a “No trick or treat” sign respect the wishes of the occupier and do not knock on the door.
* Avoid knocking on elderly neighbours' doors and causing unnecessary worry.
* Don't enter any house - stay on the doorstep.
* Don't talk to strangers on the street.
* Be visible and look carefully before crossing the road.
* Always stay in well lit areas.
* Don't throw things like eggs and flour or vandalise anything. You don’t want to end your night with a visit to the police station.

October 21 2010