Club Vertigo For Chickenshed Theatre

At The Questors Theatre until Saturday

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This year’s show will run from Wednesday 19th - Saturday 22nd November at 7.30pm
with a Saturday matinee at 2.30.
Tickets at £25 and £20 are available from
The Questors Theatre, 12 Mattock Lane, Ealing W5 5BQ
Box Office 020 8567 5184 or online at
For more information please go to, and

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Get your dancing shoes on and quick step your way to The Questors Theatre for an exciting and colourful show that will leave you wanting more.

If you like Strictly Come Dancing you are in for a treat. Club Vertigo is performed by a talented ensemble with bundles of energy and enthusiasm. It's light hearted, fun and an entertaining night out and what's more all profits from the show are being donated to Chickenshed Theatre, a charity that works with people of all ages, backgrounds and abilities to create outstanding and inspiring theatre.

FAB U LOUS (as Craig Revel Horwood might just say.)

If you think you may recognise some of the stars you probably do.

Strictly Come Dancing’s Hanna Haarala from Series 3, as well as Brendan Cole's brother, Scott, take the main leads - but all the cast perform in a number of different styles proving just how versatile they are.

Club Vertigo is fast moving with music, song and comedy, transporting the audience to a smoky rooftop cabaret club in New York.

The story line may be a little on the thin side but no matter - it's dancing that's the main event. There's ballroom, tango, jazz and street dance - a positive smorgasborg of delights and something for everyone.

A few sound issues on the first night will hopefully be ironed out but didn't detract from the belting voice of Camille Robertson.

Amanda Harker first produced the show in 2011. A dancer, trainer, choreographer, designer and director, she included the word ‘Vertigo’ in the title of her show after suffering from an illness which left her unable to balance and confined to bed.

She says : ''We were so encouraged by last year’s reviews that we decided to update the show and return to Ealing.''

Good for Ealing that she did.

If you want to see West End style dancing without trudging to the West End this is it. Go see it - you are guaranteed to leave with a big smile on your face.

It's running from now until - Saturday 22nd November at 7.30pm
with a Saturday matinee at 2.30.

Annemarie Flanagan

20th November 2014