Get Fit This Summer

Family fitness sessions at Boston Manor Park

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Linda Massey from Boston Manor Park has written in to tell us about a brand new fitness session for all the family:

''When Lisa King and her colleague came to the park to say that they would be interested in running some fitness classes I immediately thought of the many new mums with babies and toddlers who come to the new playground each day.  Little did I realise then what I was letting myself in for as I now find that I have agreed to join the first session which starts Wednesday 16th July.  I may be rather conspicuous in that I won't have a child with me but having had my daughter 30 years ago, and not having exercised since it all seems relevant.

'So all are welcome to come and join in - the Pavilion can be accessed for either changing, using the toilets or buying drinks to recover.''

Family Fitness Sessions
Starting on Weds 16th July
Every Wednesday 11.15-12 at
Boston Manor Park, Boston Manor Road, Brentford, TW8 9JX
Only £3/adult, all fitness levels welcome





15th July 2014