Diary of a Reluctant Runner

Where I learn about calcaneal spurs

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Get Your Running Shoes On

Diary of a Reluctant Runner wk1

Wk 2 : I start to Run

Wk 3: A classic beginners mistake

Wk4: Where not much happens

Wk 5: Where I get help

Wk 6: I'm a bat out of hell (sort of)

Wk 7: Where has the time gone?

Wk9: I see the route and think... what?

I Don't Give Up - Although Very Tempted

Injured (again)

I Wish I Could Swim The Half-Marathon

Ealing Half Marathon
Ealing Eagles







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I have never been to a physiotherapist in my life before - I have never needed to, but my foot injury is over a month old now and has really been getting me down.

It got to the point when I thought I would have to hang up my trainers and accept that I would only be able to take part in the Ealing half-marathon from the sidelines.

But, as if by magic, my fairy godfather appeared - in the form of Greg Bagley from W5PHYSIO, their motto is diagnose, treat, cure - exactly what I needed.

Greg contacted me after reading last week's pitiful cry for help and offered to take a look at my foot.

He listened to my woes, took notes and gave my feet a thorough examination. I was correct in my own self-diagnosis of bursitis, but Greg was also concerned that I might have a bone spur.

A bone - or heel - or calcaneal spur is a growth on the underside of the heel bone. Heel spurs often have no symptoms, but they can be associated with intermittent or chronic pain. This can often happen while walking, jogging or running, if inflammation develops.

It all sounded rather ominous, and Greg advised that I get an X-ray to find out one way or another - because running really would be out.

My GP actually told me that it was unlikely I would be offered an X-ray as this type of injury is not deemed treatable. Incredibly however, I managed to get a next day appointment at the hospital.

Thank goodness for school holidays (and I wouldn't normally say that) because the department wasn't busy and, aside from a few kids with broken arms and legs, they said they could fit me in.

As I sat in the waiting room however I wondered with trepidation what the image would show.

Luckily it was good news. The technician couldn't see any bony spur - which means my running shoes get dusted down again.

Now, the thing is because I haven't been training and have rather lost my confidence since the injury I'm not quite sure how to get back into it again.

It's good to have a physiotherapist to talk things through with and Greg certainly knows his stuff.

So, I am going to listen to my physio and take his advice. I will make sure this foot is healed before I put any more pressure on it and I will not try and do too much.

With only a month to go I have to be realistic, I expect to walk most of the route of the Ealing half-marathon (and really hope somebody is left at the finish line when I eventually arrive there!) but at least I can still take part.

Hope your training is going to plan.

Onward and Upward...

Annemarie Flanagan

NB Greg @W5PHYSIO is offering ten per cent discount for any new clients. Mention you have seen the offer on Ealing Today.


28th August 2012