Diary of a Reluctant Runner

Where my foot injury is becoming a real pain

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Get Your Running Shoes On

Diary of a Reluctant Runner wk1

Wk 2 : I start to Run

Wk 3: A classic beginners mistake

Wk4: Where not much happens

Wk 5: Where I get help

Wk 6: I'm a bat out of hell (sort of)

Wk 7: Where has the time gone?

Wk9: I see the route and think... what?

I Don't Give Up - Although Very Tempted

Injured (again)

I Wish I Could Swim The Half-Marathon

Ealing Half Marathon
Ealing Eagles






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The Ealing half-marathon gets ever closer and whilst everyone seems to be stepping up a gear or two in their training I have sadly taken my foot off the pedal (and stuck it in a bath of cold water).

It's not really out of choice. The heel of my left foot is basically still not as it was - and there's no way I am going to attempt to run on it when walking doesn't even feel ok.

Thankyou to the various people who have kindly emailed me with sympathy and suggestions on what I could try, ideas range from the Alexander technique to specialised running classes.

One person reckons my injury could be because I possibly tried to correct my natural forefoot running style.

I really don't know. How exactly are you supposed to run?

This will probably open a can of worms but I was pointed in the direction of this article in the New York Times which certainly makes interesting reading.

In this particular study it seems those who strike the ground with their heel first are more prone to injury.

So I'm not sure if this is how I did it but I've had enough and really want it to disappear.

Any magicians out there can help?

I hope everyone else is doing well with the training - and (honestly) want to rejoin you before it's too late.

Onward and Upward...(ish)

Annemarie Flanagan



23rd August 2012