Diary of a Reluctant Runner

Where I'm getting real running injuries so I must be a runner!

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Diary of a Reluctant Runner wk1

Wk 2 : I start to Run

Wk 3: A classic beginners mistake

Wk4: Where not much happens

Wk 5: Where I get help

Wk 6: I'm a bat out of hell (sort of)

Wk 7: Where has the time gone?

Wk9: I see the route and think... what?

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Fresh from my previous great victory of, er, finishing the Gunnersbury Park Run (in record slow time) I decided to put myself though it once more - I'm a glutton for punishment me.

Part of the reason is because my 10 year old son has been absolutely enthused by it. He is, I have to add, extremely fast, so please don't think that he did the circuit with me. Not in a million years would he be seen jogging alongside mum. He has been whizzing round the course on his own and getting finishing times of around 26 minutes- very impressive.

Anyway, my major achievement this week was getting my 13 year old daughter out of bed. if you have a teenager you will understand exactly what an achievement that is. But there's more!

She actually did the Park Run with me.

Admittedly we nearly had a refusal half-way round when I didn't have any water. She diverted to the cafe (in a very bad mood) but it didn't take her long to catch-up with me and we got round.

It was good to have a companion helping me in my personal struggle and we actually managed to jog the whole first lap - without dropping down to a walk. That's a massive improvement for me, so despite coming second from last over the finish line it really didn't matter.

I was very pleased to see I had taken a whole 43 seconds of my time - a PERSONAL BEST!


So all was looking good, until - slight problem- I realised I could no longer walk on my left foot. The heel was very tender, swollen and bruised.

An urgent search on google has led me into a whole new world of injuries and terminology: Plantar Fascilitis/ Heel Spurs and Bruised Heel - also known as Policeman's heel apparently.

Anyway doing a swift self-diagnosis I reckon I have Bursitis. Never had that before.

So it's ice, rest and painkillers for me for a bit. Hope to still be able to make the Park Run on Saturday - if I can't run it I'll certainly cheer everyone else on - especially my son and those at the back.

If you have any miracle cures for my 'condition' please do send in. Hope I can run again soon. Did I really just say that? Blimey!

What on earth is happening to the reluctant runner?

Until next time - Onwards and Upwards!

Annemarie Flanagan




2nd August 2012