Diary of a Reluctant Runner

Ealing Half Marathon Information evening Thursday 28th June

Related links

My new trainers

Diary of a Reluctant Runner wk1

Wk 2 : I start to Run

Wk 3: A classic beginners mistake

Wk4: Where not much happens

Wk 5: Where I get help

Wk 6: I'm a bat out of hell (sort of)

Wk 7: Where has the time gone?

Ealing Half Marathon
Ealing Eagles






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Sorry to disappoint my follower but there's no diary this week as (excusesrus.com) I have been abroad, and er, didn't pack my training shoes.

Oh dear.. yes I know... really must do better.

Anyway, I'm hoping I will get some inspiration and have a new lease of life following an information event all about the Ealing Half Marathon (which is getting a bit too close for my liking).

Thursday 28th June from 6pm at the Ealing, Hammersmith & West London College (Ealing Green Campus)

It's a great way for runners, local residents and businesses to learn more about the event.

Full details here - http://www.ealinghalfmarathon.com/information-evening-thursday-28th-june-2012

See you there?



Annemarie Flanagan

28th June 2012