Diary of a Reluctant Runner

Week 4 ...where not much happens

Related links

My new trainers

Diary of a Reluctant Runner wk1

Wk 2 : I start to Run

Wk 3: A classic beginners mistake

Ealing Half Marathon
Ealing Eagles

The organisers of the Ealing Half Marathon offered a free entry to an Ealing Today member.

The winner of the competition correctly answering that the Ealing Half Marathon takes place on 30th September is ....Laura Drewell

Congrats Laura - hope your training is going better than mine!








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It's taken over a week for my leg to get better, so I haven't run at all, so I'm afraid this update doesn't have much to report.

My injured calf meant I couldn't put any weight on my right leg and the school 'run' actually became the school 'hobble'.

It's the first sports related injury I have every really had , that's not surprising as this is the most active I have been in a very long time.

So, has it put me off?

Well, aside from a little gentle swimming I didn't want to do much and certainly couldn't run this week. I have been very cautious since and have rested up.

Also, apart from the leg, the temperature hasn't encouraged me. I don't function well over about 23c.

The thought of training in the heat had me wondering about best times of day to run. I guess early morning and late night? Not always that easy though.

I sought advice about my leg from Roy Summers and will be seeing him this weekend.

For this type of injury he said rest was best. Once it felt better some gentle stretches would help.

He says he will show me some warm-up exercises which will hopefully ensure I don't make such a silly mistake again.

So, I haven't been deterred, I have just had ....a little setback.

What's the saying?

'That which doesn't kill us makes us stronger.'

Here's hoping!



Annemarie Flanagan


31st May 2012