Diary of a Reluctant Runner

Week 2 ...where I begin to start running

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Diary of a Reluctant Runner wk1

Ealing Half Marathon
Ealing Eagles

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I am not a natural runner. I guess there is such a thing though because some people make it look so easy, but for me, it's hard - very hard.

As I said last week I feel as though I am curently at the bottom of a very steep mountain, and those first few steps on that incline have already shown me exactly how out of condition I am.

BUT despite all that I haven't thrown in the towel. I vowed to take this slowly, I want to get fit and it won't happen overnight - so it literally is one step at a time.

My 'training' this week has consisted of a rather mixed bag.

I have been running round the block and at the park (well what I mean is a slow jog for 2 minutes, walk 1 minute), as well as some cycling and swimming.

I have involved my 10 year son in my training - to get him off the computer for one thing. He has the stopwatch and blows a whistle to switch me between running and walking.

As a reluctant and currently rather self-conscious 'runner' I find it helps to have someone with me - even if my youthful 'personal trainer' can't quite believe how slow I am.

It's not mega but it is probably more exercise in a week than I have done in the last year.

So that's an achievement I should feel proud of - isn't it?

Last Wednesday I also joined the very friendly and encouraging Ealing Eagles beginners group in Walpole Park.

After a few necessary warm-ups we split into two groups - more experienced beginners, and beginners. You can guess where I was.

We did a few circuits around the park, I walked bits because I find I get very out of breath but did manage to get round.

I shall be heading out to train with them again tonight - I'm told it gets easier - I really hope so and can't wait to report that it is.

Stop Press: I ran for 15 minutes without stopping (or collapsing) last night - totally amazed myself.

Thanks go to the enthusiastic team of Ealing Eagles who got me round Walpole Park.

Onward and upward!

Annemarie Flanagan


17th May 2012