Diary of a Reluctant Runner

The Ealing Half Marathon takes place at the end of September

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My new trainers

Ealing Half Marathon
Ealing Eagles

Health Living at Ealing Shopping Centre

The organisers of the Ealing Half Marathon are offering one free entry to an Ealing Today member.

Just answer this simple question:

When will the first ever Ealing Half Marathon take place?

Send your answers to editor@ealingtoday.co.uk  by 30th May 2012

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If I tell you that I am the sort of person who NEVER runs - not even for a bus, you might just get an idea about the state of my fitness.

Nevertheless, I was excited when I heard that Ealing was to host it's first ever half marathon - it's something I might have done twenty years ago - but I'm older, carry far more weight than I did and just don't seem to have any energy left for exercise these days.

So, with at least 101 excuses as to why I couldn't possibly do it, I seem to have acted bizarrely out of character and signed up.

On September 30th, alongside thousands of others (many far fitter than I'll ever be) I will run - yes run - 13 miles. Yikes!

I feel as though I am at the bottom of a very steep mountain, and have an extremely long way to get to the top. There will be plenty of huffing and puffing (and possibly expletives) along the way but I do like a challenge and reckon if someone like me can do this, well, basically anyone can.

Reading about this amazing woman has also put me to shame - what an incredible achievement.

I shall attempt to train every day in some shape or form. I say attempt because not only am I a reluctant runner - I am also a fairweather one and with all the rain we've been having those 101 excuses will no doubt keep looming large.

I am realistic and know that I have to start with tiny and achievable steps otherwise I will quickly lose motivation.*

The Ealing Eagles running club has a beginners programme on Wednesday evening which looks like a good a point as any to get started. Anyone care to join me?

I will be writing a weekly diary and hope to be able to report some good things happening to my health and finesss levels - who knows, I may eventually even attempt running for that bus!

Wish me luck and do let me know if you are on a similar 'journey'.


Annemarie Flanagan


*The Park Club are kindly allowing me access to the club's facilities - I really have no excuse now do I?

8th May 2012