Ealing Town Hall opens door to same sex marriages

Partners can register and hold reception in Town Hall

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From 21 December, same sex couples in Ealing will be able to celebrate their civil partnership with a ceremony.

Any same sex couple wishing to form a civil partnership will be able to give formal notice of their intention to register the partnership from 5 December. This will allow the first civil partnerships, and ceremonies, to take place on or after 21 December, after the required 15 day waiting period has expired.

Under the Civil Partnership Act 2004, a ceremony is not required to form a civil partnership. However, Ealing Council has chosen to offer couples the opportunity to hold one so that they can celebrate this important occasion in their lives.

Councillor Jasbir Anand, cabinet member for leisure, sport and culture, said: "I am delighted that same sex couples in Ealing will be able to mark their special day with a ceremony. It is clear from enquiries already received by the Registrars Service that many couples will take up this option. The council is committed to Ealing being a borough of equal opportunities and diversity and providing the option of a civil partnership ceremony is an important example of this."

The council is in the process of consulting with local lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender groups on the proposed arrangements for the formation of civil partnerships in Ealing. This includes the proposed wording of the ceremony which is based on a format devised by the Association of Registration and Celebratory Services.

The cost of civil partnership ceremonies will be in line with those that currently apply to marriages that take place in Ealing. This mirrors the situation in neighbouring boroughs.

The scale of charges for ceremonies to be held in Town Hall will be as follows:
Monday to Thursday - £53.50
Friday all day - £103.50
Saturday all day - £203.50

November 23, 2005