Don't lose your right to vote

Return your registration form in time for next year's elections

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EALING Council is urging residents to get ready for the local election in May 2006 and to make sure they are on the register.


Registration forms are on their way to every household in the borough, asking for information about who will be living at each address on the 15th October 2005.


Residents must respond in time for their details to be included on the register that is published on the 1st of December 2005.This form must be returned by law.


Ealing Council's Chief Executive, Darra Singh, said: "Only people whose names appear on the new register will be entitled to vote at any elections held in 2006. Registering to vote gives you a chance to have your say about how your local area is run, and voting is your chance to make a difference."


It's never been so easy to register. You can return your forms by post, or if your household details have not changed, you can register by telephone or online, making the process much more accessible.


August 27th, 2005