Warm Clothes Needed

Winter appeal runs from 1st -19th December

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Councillor Jasbir Anand Elizabeth Ursell and Ian Breen

A Time For Giving

Help Children in Care This Christmas

ActonW3.com, ChiswickW4.com and EalingToday.co.uk

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Donate warm clothes at Ealing Town Hall this winter and help those in need.

Ealing Council’s Winter Warm Up appeal will run between 1-19 December and all items collected will be donated locally.

Men’s, women’s and children’s clothes are needed in all sizes and ages. In particular, thick socks, jumpers, scarves, gloves and hats are needed. The appeal is looking for all items donated to be clean and in good condition.

Councillor Jasbir Anand, cabinet member for housing, employment and skills said: "We can take things like heating, warm clothes and shelter for granted, yet, this winter there will be people without all three.”

“Being homeless or in need is challenging at any time of the year but especially hard coming up to Christmas, so it is great that we are able to help in some small way. By donating warm clothes, hats, scarves and gloves, you can help make the winter cold a little more tolerable. A small donation is all we need to make a big difference.”

“The generosity of all those who donated last year was overwhelming and a wonderful reflection of the true Christmas spirit. Let’s show the same level of generosity and support this year.”

Local charities St Mungo’s Broadway and Acton Homeless Concern will be supporting the council appeal and will help distribute the clothing.

Elizabeth Ursell, manager of St Mungo’s Broadway outreach team in Ealing, said: “We help people sleeping rough all year round but for anyone on the streets in freezing temperatures it can be life-threatening. Our main priority is helping people off the streets into accommodation, and tackling the problems that led them to sleep rough, but donations like these can make a significant difference to helping people feel better during very difficult times.”

Ian Breen, manager of Acton Homeless Concern has also called for donations of unwanted clean sleeping bags and duvets. He said: “Clean duvets and sleeping bags are also required to help keep people warm this winter. You can never underestimate these small acts of kindness and the impact that they have on others.”

Donations can be dropped off at Ealing Town Hall, New Broadway, Ealing during: Monday-Friday between 8am-9pm; Saturday between 9am-5pm and Sunday between 9am-3pm.

Local residents worried about losing their home and becoming homeless should contact the council’s housing advice service on 020 8825 8881.

Residents who know of someone sleeping rough can contact StreetLink on freecall 0300 500 0914 or email streetconcern@mungosbroadway.org.uk so that they can refer the person to local services available. If the person needs emergency medical assistance please call 999.

25th November 2014