Record Levels Of Satisfaction in Ealing

According to new residents' survey

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Residents in Ealing are overwhelmingly happy with where they live and the services the council provide - according to a new report.

It follows a survey commissioned by the council and conducted in the Autumn by market research company ICM.

They questioned to 2306* people and found the proportion of residents happy with the council has increased to 74%, - the highest figure since the resident survey started in 2007.

The report also showed 82% of those questioned were satisfied with the borough as a place to live. The top three reasons given were: quiet area/neighbourhood, friendly neighbours/good people in area and good access to public transport services .

The main reasons for dissatisfaction were rubbish or litter - more people complained about this than in 2012 (an increase from 27% to 40%) crime and parking problems (an increase from 25% to to 30%).

There were also improvements in customer service measures - 71% of those asked said the council was easy to contact.

Ealing Labour’s cabinet has welcomed the news. Cllr Julian Bell Labour Leader of Ealing council said: “The results show that the residents are very happy with the job Labour is doing running the council. It is particularly pleasing that in this era of unprecedented Tory cuts, slashing £183m from our budget, residents are still happy with what the council is doing. We cannot afford to be complacent despite the good results. We are still facing a mountain of cuts and want to continue to improve services.

"We must balance our budget whilst focusing on the pledges we made to the public when we were elected in May. We will be focussed on saving our hospitals, freezing council tax this year, delivering 500 new council homes, extra CCTV and street lighting, as well as increasing our recycling to 50%. This was what residents on the doorstep told us was important and this is what this survey confirms.”

Full survey results.


* Ealing 's estimated population (Office For National Statistics) was 339,300 in 2011


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18th February 2015