New Plans For Ealing Broadway Station

All change .. long awaited consultation gets underway

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A much needed makeover of Ealing Broadway Station interchange is on the horizon and it's hoped the improvement work - starting on the forecourt - will begin next spring.

Two years ago Ealing Council looked at ways to improve the interchange and concluded that options for a bus station above the railway station - as in Hammersmith - were not realistic or justifiable.

An outline preferred option was identified and this has been the subject of recent development.

The council has secured £4.3m of funding from Transport for London and the developers of Dickens Yard, St George.

The aim of this proposed scheme is to 'enhance rather than radically alter the already unique and special character of Ealing Broadway and Haven Green'

A number of changes are on the cards including removing the small area of parking outside the station and levelling the area to create a more open space.

It's expected fewer buses will terminate at Haven Green ( London buses will be conducting consultations on bus routes and changes) and the area will benefit from more trees and landscaping.

In order to create a more welcoming environment for passengers waiting near the station there are plans for ' the introduction of new walls as informal seating'.

Redundant street clutter will be removed and there will be better signs helping integrate Ealing Broadway into the town centre.

Transport consultants, Steer Davies Gleave has been commissioned by Ealing Council to work on the proposals which can be viewed in this pdf.

The plans are subject to a series of public consultation events which have taken place this month 8-9 October at the Town Hall and the Cricket Club as well as at Haven Green on 13 October.

The masterplan will be finalised after feedback is received and when final designs for the new station entrance have been received from Network Rail.

What do you think? Discuss on the forum and email with questions, comments and feedback.

Comments can also be sent to The Transport Planning Service, Perceval House, 14-16 Uxbridge Road, Ealing W5 2HL.


24th October 2012