Police Officers Stabbed at Ealing Broadway

Officers attacked and injured - man arrested

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Photos Michelle Smith

Local resident and blogger Mark Hurst was at the scene shortly after the stabbing - he writes about it here





Two police officers have been stabbed in Ealing
while carrying out checks on bus tickets.

A 23 year old police constable and 27 year old PCSO, were attacked at 3.05pm this afternoon (Wednesday 15th December).

The incident took place opposite the Nationwide building society branch and outside The Parish Church of Christ the Saviour - as many children were leaving school.

The officers were attacked when questioning passengers at the 207 bus stop.

It has emerged one of the passengers was wanted for recall to prison.

A 30-year-old man has been arrested.

A mother who was picking up her child from the nearby Christ Church school told us:

'' All I saw was two people covered in blood, it must have just happened because I saw two police officers run past my car to get to the scene. I still feel physically sick. I feel so sorry for the police. I wish I hadn't looked.'

Speaking at the scene, Det Ch Insp Andy Rowell said: "Whilst this is in no doubt a shocking incident it is extremely rare for police officers to receive injuries of this nature whilst on duty.

"I would like to commend the officers for their actions and their bravery and also several members of the public who came to their aid during this incident."

He said the 23-year-old police officer, initially thought to be in a life-threatening condition, was stable and undergoing surgery after suffering multiple stab wounds.

The PCSO has been allowed home after receiving treatment in hospital.

A knife has been recovered from the scene.

New Broadway was closed and buses were diverted around the scene.

Council Leader Julian Bell has issued this statement:

“This is a truly shocking incident. I’ve lived in Ealing for 25 years and I’ve never known anything like this.

“Police officers do a fantastic job and put their lives on the line every day to keep our streets safe. Our thoughts are with the officers involved and their families.

“Council officers are already reviewing footage from all CCTV cameras in the area and will be giving police every possible assistance with their investigations into the incident.”

The London Mayor Boris Johnson said on Twitter: "Shocked by the stabbing of a police officer and a PCSO in Ealing.

"No place for this on the streets of London."

15th December 2010