Hundreds of Local Children Missing School

New figures cause concern for Ealing Council

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There were at least 630 children in Ealing reported for not attending school last year (2012/13) according to latest figures.

These include children not on a school roll or receiving an appropriate alternative, full-time education. The numbers do not account for children who have a school place, but have poor attendance or truancy problems - so there may be many more missing out.

The council is appealing to parents of children without a school place, and who don’t have an application in process, to get in touch so they can be helped back into education. It is also asking members of the public who know of children who are not on a school roll to let them know.

Councillor Jasbir Anand, cabinet member for children and young people, said:

“All children are entitled to a good education and families should feel confident that if they contact us we will try our very best to support them. We know that lives can be complicated and our priority will be to help as quickly as possible.

“I would also encourage any members of the public to contact us if they have concerns about a child that they know. This can be done completely anonymously and we will always act in the best interests of the child. Children who are not in school could be missing out on vital educational and social experiences and we want to get them back on track.”

Anyone with concerns about their own child, or a child that they know, can contact the children missing education team on 020 8825 9647 or emailing This can be done anonymously.

Information on the council’s in-year admissions process can be found at

18th December 2013