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Unloved spaces in Hanwell and Park Royal to be transformed

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Proposals to transform two neglected areas in Ealing are underway.

The community projects will be delivered in partnership with the council as part of the unique Transform Your Space initiative.

Ealing Council asked residents for their ideas on how unloved spaces could be transformed into places for the whole community to enjoy, and two projects were selected:

• St Mellitus Open Space, costing £125,000. The proposal is to transform the garden of St Mellitus Church in Hanwell, on the corner of Uxbridge Road and Church Road. The project will reclaim the space for the community as somewhere to meet and hold local events.

• Woodland Oasis in the Heart of Industry, costing £75,000. The Island Triangle Residents’ Association submitted the idea to transform an unused, overgrown and fly-tipped strip of land in the centre of the Park Royal industrial estates into a woodland garden. It will include a play area, a community space and create a peaceful haven in the heart of this busy industrial area.

Both projects have been asked to fund-raise a minimum of £1,000 to demonstrate local support for their projects. 

The council has also pledged start-up funds for three additional projects. The promoters for Radbourne Robin Project, Project 21 and the Litten Reserve Community Space will each get £5,000 from the council and will be encouraged to use crowdfunding which is a way for the community to share ideas and get others to support and pledge money.

The council is committed to helping the local community to deliver projects and has also developed the Bubble website. For more information go to:

Councillor Bassam Mahfouz, cabinet member for transport and environment said: “I want to thank everyone who presented ideas and proposals for their amazing submissions. There will be another round opening soon and I look forward to seeing more great ideas in the next run as we look to transform even more of the borough with this fund.”

The council is using Spacehive, a crowdfunding website dedicated to promoting civic improvement projects, to help residents campaign for their projects to get started. To find out more about crowdfunding in Ealing visit:

Plans for the two projects chosen will be developed with council officers and work is scheduled to start later this year.


30th March 2015