Third Runway? Ealing Says NO Way

New flight path would 'heap misery' over residents

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Ealing Council has renewed its opposition to a third runway at Heathrow airport because it would cause ‘untold misery’ for local residents.

At a meeting of the full council on Tuesday 16 October councillors agreed to oppose any plans to revive the expansion of Heathrow.

It's argued that any further expansion of Heathrow would be detrimental to the quality of life of local residents. It would see the number of flights across the borough rocket and the already stretched road network buckle under the strain of more traffic.

The council is urging residents who already face noise disturbance to formally log complaints with Heathrow Airport.

Councillor Bassam Mahfouz, cabinet member for environment and transport said: “A third runway would heap misery from the skies, pouring noise and pollution on to west London.

“New flight paths would pass directly over Ealing, with some areas facing disruption for the first time and long suffering areas facing even more planes flying over their homes for longer periods.

“We want a better, not bigger Heathrow. The truth is that the third runway would not deliver the extra airport capacity needed – to do so we would have to have two more runways…something that is utterly unthinkable.

“There are alternatives that are far more suitable and have a far stronger economic case. It is important that the government recognises that the argument to expand Heathrow is done and dusted and does not need re-opening.”

A report out last week by the prestigious US University MIT warned that a third runway at Heathrow would lead to significantly more early deaths from pollution. Last year London had illegally high levels of air quality on 57 days in 2011, well above the 38 permitted by EU Law.

Councillors raised serious concerns that further expansion of Heathrow would make pollution levels even worse and would harm residents’ health.

People wishing to complain can do so online via or by telephone 0800 344 844 or email


17th October 2012