Ealing's Rubbish Manager Replaced

But there are calls for more heads to roll

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It's been revealed that the manager at the company responsible for Ealing's recent rubbish fiasco has been replaced.

Enterprise took over the huge waste contract from May Gurney in April this year and in a space of five weeks the Council received over 17,000 complaints about missed collections.

The Labour administration apologised for the poor transition - initially blaming 'teething problems' - but at the full Council meeting this week it was announced the original Enterprise contract manager who had been responsible for Ealing’s contract has now gone.

The Conservative opposition say this isn't enough and want more heads to roll.

Cllr Phil Taylor, Shadow Cabinet Member for Environment and Transport said: “It seems odd that whilst the private sector contractor has taken responsibility for their part in the failure by removing a senior employee, the Portfolio Holder, Cllr Mahfouz continues to hide from his responsibilities.

''When residents hear that pretty much all of their effort in separating recycling has been wasted across April and May, they will be very angry that only the contractor has taken responsibility for the rubbish service they have received.

''Officers and Cllr Mahfouz also need to accept their part in the failure of this service.”

The Conservatives are also angry that residents will not be compensated for the poor service.

Cllr Taylor says there are houses on Windmill Road in his ward (Northfields) that haven't had collections for 11 successive weeks

He said: '' As a Council we exist to provide a service to our residents and if Labour can’t even get this basic service, then the very least they can do is compensate residents.  Every other industry does this, be it your bank, airline or train operator.  Why does this Labour administration think they should be any different?”

Ealing Today has requested and is awaiting a response from the Labour group.

Do you think the Council should compensate residents for the poor service? Discuss on the forum.

14th June 2012