Police Crackdown On Traffic Accidents

Five week operation targeting hotspots across borough

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ActonW3.com, ChiswickW4.com and EalingToday.co.uk

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Police in Ealing are joining forces with Traffic and Safer Transport officers to tackle the number of road traffic collisions in the borough.

From 2007 -2011 around 105 people have been killed or seriously injured on roads in Ealing.

Starting Monday 4 February and running for the next five weeks, this operation will target key hotspots across the borough, tackling offences such as speeding, driving without due care, drink drive and uninsured drivers.

Officers will be working throughout the borough at various times of day and night to make the roads safer.

Chief Inspector Nicholas Palmer said: "Despite all the warnings, dangerous and inconsiderate driving continues to be a significant problem causing harm within local communities. Many people drive when it is unsafe for them to do so or in a manner that puts themselves or other road users in danger, often with tragic consequences.

''This can cost them dearly, as convictions can result in a prison sentence, the loss of their licence or even their job, as well as endangering their own life and those of other people.

'' It is important to remind all drivers that regardless of the time of day they commit traffic offences, be it when they are taking children to school, popping to the shops or driving to or from work, they will face the same serious consequences. Ignorance of the law is not an excuse that will stand up in court or change the outcome of a serious road accident caused by dangerous driving."


5th February 2013