Memorial to Ealing Riot Hero

Permanent tribute to Richard Mannington Bowes in Haven Green

Related links

Richard Mannington Bowes - A Man Ealing Should Be Proud Of

A Funeral to Heal a Community

Tributes to a Local Hero

Riots Hit Ealing

Shocking Night of Violence and Destruction

The Day After The Night Before

Ealing Bites Back 3 - The Dunkirk Spirit


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The man who died after trying to stop a rioting mob who were setting fires close to his home in Ealing last summer, will have a lasting tribute near where he was killed.

On Tuesday 7th August - the day before the first anniversary of last year's disturbances - a commemoration will take place for Richard Mannington Bowes.

The pensioner was attacked on Spring Bridge Road during the night of August 8th as rampaging gangs caused unprecedented destruction in and around Ealing.

Mr Bowes was punched and suffered severe head injuries and died later in hospital. 17-year-old Daryl Desuze from Hounslow was sentenced to eight years after admitting delivering the fatal blow.

Donations from The Mayor's Riot Fund have been used to provide a park bench and plaque as lasting tribute to Mr Bowes' courage.

The bench will be unveiled on Haven Green on Tuesday 7th August, at 3.30pm. Members of Mr Bowes' family are expected to attend as well as representatives from the council and shopkeepers.

Everyone's invited to pay their respect to the man who stood up to the violent mob and also to remember how positively the community of Ealing responded after last years' events.



5th August 2012