With Thanks From Oxfam

Looted and damaged in the riots but the store is back in business

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After being trashed in the riots nearly three weeks ago one would be forgiven for expecting Oxfam Music and Audio to take a while longer to get back on its feet.

Over forty thousand pounds worth of damage was done to the stock by looters and the problem was exacerbated by water leaking down from the floors above after the fire brigade attempted to prevent the spread of a blaze in the immediate vicinity.

Despite this, the shop opened again last Tuesday (30th Aug) fully restocked and shows no sign of the criminality it was subject to.

Tony Lee, the manager, puts this down to a combination of factors: “the public have responded very generously, and music companies such as Universal and CMI have also made substantial donations. The idea is to move on and not to dwell on what happened.”

The looting of Oxfam provoked particular outrage because it is a charity store. As Mr Lee reflected, “that’s forty thousand pounds which won’t go to Africa.”

Yet the positive response is reason for optimism and the losses sustained in the riots have already been considerably offset by extra donations - more are always welcome.

A simple message in the the shop window says it all : “thank you Ealing for your amazing support!”


Charlie Bain






3rd September 2011