Healing Ealing - A Top Class Community Event

Charity fundraiser in the wake of the Ealing riots

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Labour, Conservative and Lib Dem politicians all united (for a short while!)

Council Leader Julian Bell (Lab), Walpole Councillor John Cowing (Con)and Ealing Common Cllr Jon Ball  (Lib Dem) drink together in aid of h-Ealing

Ealing Today Supports Local Business
Helping traders after the recent disturbances

Help The Police Identify Suspects

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Support For West Ealing But Crackdown on Rioters

Ealing Prays For Peace


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Earwicker presents

The h-Ealing charity fundraiser last night (Fri 26th Aug) at The New Inn was a huge success. A combination of excellent local music and a shared passion to bring the community together made this an inspirational event.

There was lots of musical talent on display and guest appearance from Deputy Mayor of Ealing, Mohammad Aslam.

The target was to raise £1000 for the Richard Mannington Bowes Relief Fund whether or not that is achieved a great sense of pride should be felt by all who participated.

Read more here

Ruth Merry


Du Bellows                                                    Raffle prizes


Ruth Merry
Du Bellows
Anatasia Brindley (www.myspace.com/whataboutt hat)
Ashok Dhillon
Simon Dale
Graham Parker
Russ Shipton (www.youtube.com/watch?v=2S 1W8CmR05s)
Short Circuit Device (www.myspace.com/shortcircu itdevice)
The Adam Rust Project (www.facebook.com/theadamru stproject)
Anton Vann (www.reverbnation.com/anton vann)
Paul McQuaid
Longfellows (www.thelongfellows.co.uk)
The Chairs (www.facebook.com/thechairs)
Paperchain Babies (www.uk.myspace.com/thepape rchainbabies)
Volunteers (www.facebook.com/volunteer smusic)

Find out more here

follow on twitter @ EarwickerLive


Do you know of any more fundraising events?

Let me know and I will help publicise.



27 August 2011