Ealing Bites Back

Business as usual For Arts Sake but a plea from Oxfam

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For Arts Sake
45 Bond Street
Ealing W5 5AS
Tel: 020 8579 6365      

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Comment on this story on the forum

Brian Davies from the art shop on Bond Street says:

'' We believed we were extremely lucky as the damage and losses could have been much worse but it now seems that luck wasn’t the only factor.

We now know that the damage inflicted on our shop happened a while before the police took control and our neighbours took back pictures from looters.

We are told an Asian man actually stood guard over our unprotected shop preventing looters taking our stock.

We are incredibly grateful to you all and particularly to this gentleman. If anyone knows who this was we would very much like to meet him and thank him personally.

Finally there is a link here to a video taken on the night which shows one of our discarded pictures which was brought back to our shop.''

Meanwhile the nearby Oxfam shop was looted of CDS and DVDS and is in dire need of help. 40,000 worth of damage has been caused.

Local Acton resident Toby Young writes about it in the Telegraph here.







15 August, 2011