Counting The Cost

Millions of pounds worth of damage caused - but help is available

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Support For West Ealing But Crackdown on Rioters

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Businesses affected by last Monday's riots have been trying to return to normal this week but traders are still reeling from the physical and psychological damage caused.

The Council has announced that a £250,000 fund  has been set aside to help areas affected by last week’s riots.

The fund is already being put to use to help small independent businesses affected. Those small traders that suffered damage from vandals and looters are being given a £1,200 payment to help them pay for things like new glazing and repairs.

The council is contacting businesses directly to offer them the payment. A £20,000 interest free repayable grant is also on offer to the worst affected small traders, some of which are likely to have to remain closed for up to six months.

A meeting for businesses will take place at Ealing Town Hall on Thursday, 18 August, 6.30-8pm, with a second event next week on Wednesday, 24 August, 6.30-8pm at St James Church, St James Avenue, West Ealing.

Traders will be able to get advice about issues such as planning applications, making insurance claims and improving security.

Businesses are also being asked to bring their ideas for what else the council could do to help the area recover.

Council Leader, Councillor Julian Bell, said: “We must do all we can to help our small, independent businesses get back on their feet. We’re keen to find out from them what they think we could do to help them and want them to come along to the meetings to tell us their ideas.

''We all know it can take quite some time for insurance companies to payout, so it’s only right we give traders that suffered direct damage a payment now to help with immediate expenses like glazing and repairs.

'' I’m sure the £20,000 repayable grant will also make a huge difference to those people whose business premises were almost completely destroyed.

“We’ve been overwhelmed with offers of support, but one of the best way people can help is quite simply to shop, eat and drink locally.”


Further information about advice and support for businesses is available at

Ealing Broadway Business Improvement District (BID) and Shop Local are  also offering support and advice to the many affected by the unprecedented violence.

Click here (pdf) to view a few of the shops that need your help.

Read the BBC's account here of how traders in Ealing Green area are coping in the aftermath.











15 August, 2011