Neighbour Tells of Pulling Pensioner From Rampaging Looters

Dragged 68 year old and stayed with him until help arrived

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Springbridge Road Attack Man Richard Mannington Bowes Dies, and

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A man who stepped in to help Richard Mannington Bowes who'd been set upon by youths in Springbridge Road has been telling newspapers how he dragged the victim away from a raging fire.

Documentary maker, Peter Firstbrook, 60, said:

'There were about 120 youths. One of them, a big black lad in his early twenties, approached me and said something along the lines of: 'There's one of your lot over there and he's injured.'

The father-of four said that Mr Mannington Bowes was beyond the rioters and so he knew he had to push past them.

'When I saw him, I realised the man's leg was almost in the fire so I tried to drag him to safety,'

'I couldn't move him so I got three young lads from the crowd. They also seemed quite concerned and helped me drag him to an alleyway. Then they disappeared.

'I checked his pulse and his airways and tried to talk to him, but he was unconscious and had blood coming from his ear.

''Aerosol cans in the rubbish exploded every now and again, it was the size of a bonfire. I just stayed with him, talking to him, reassuring him, telling him it was all right."

Two police officers and a medic finally reached to administer first aid. 

Sadly Mr Mannington Bowes has now died and a murder investigation is underway.

Detective Chief Inspector John McFarlane, of the Homicide and Serious Crime Command investigating, said: "Through CCTV we have identified a strong suspect. If you know who this man is please contact us. If you are this man in the CCTV, do the decent thing and give yourself up.

11 August 2011