16 Year Old Charged With Richard Bowes Murder

and 31 year old mother accused of perverting course of justice

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16 year Old Arrested Over Richard Bowes Death

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A 16-year-old boy has been charged with murdering a pensioner Richard Mannington Bowes during Ealing's riots.

Mr Bowes, 68, died three days after being attacked as he tried to stamp out a fire in Ealing, west London, on 8 August.

The boy, who cannot be named, has also been charged with violent disorder and four counts of burglary.

His mother has been charged with perverting the course of justice and both are due to appear in courts in Croydon on Tuesday.

The boy will appear at Croydon Youth Court while his mother is due at the magistrates' court.

A 22-year-old man arrested on suspicion of murdering Mr Bowes has been bailed.

Mr Bowes, of Haven Green, Ealing, died of head injuries on 11 August, a post-mortem examination revealed.

The Richard Mannington Bowes Relief Fund has been set up to help people living in the area who were affected by the riots.

More details will be revealed about the fund at a special meeting at the Council today (Tuesday 16th Aug) at 7pm.




16 August 2011