Ealing Men Jailed For Terrorism Offences

Judge said the three men held radical beliefs

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Three British men - two who lived in Ealing - have been jailed at the Old Bailey for terrorism offences.

Richard Dart, 30, who changed his name to Salahuddin al-Britani, became involved in extremism after moving from his home town of Weymouth, Dorset, to London.

Dart appeared in a BBC documentary after he converted to Islam. He later moved to Ealing Broadway.

He was jailed for six years, Imran Mahmood,22, from Dabbs Hill Lane in Northolt received nine years and nine months and Jahangir Alom,26, from Stratford was jailed for four years and six months.

The trio, who were arrested in London weeks before the Olympic Games and the court heard that they had discussed Royal Wootton Bassett as a target.

Mr Justice Simon told them they held "radical Islamist beliefs and have shown yourselves to be committed to acts of terrorism".

Dart (pic below) refused to stand when he was sentenced, and said: "I don't wish to stand up, I believe ruling and judging is only for Allah."

Richard Dart

The judge said that they were all "committed fundamentalists" who would have been prepared to kill.

He told Dart and Mahmood: "I'm satisfied to the required criminal standard that neither of you had ruled out an attack in the United Kingdom, and that you, Mahmood, were looking at arming yourself with a bomb."

After the sentencing, Deputy Assistant Commissioner Stuart Osborne, head of the Met's counter-terrorism command, said the investigation had involved a "mixture of dedicated, diligent traditional detective work combined with the latest technology and computer techniques".

He said the trio were "dangerous men".

"This case serves as a classic example of how terrorists live in our midst while preparing their acts and their determination to travel overseas to train before returning to the UK," he said.



25th April 2013