Ealing Policeman Found Guilty of ABH

36-year-old has been jailed for six months for attacking suspect in car park

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An Ealing Police officer has been jailed for six months for violently attacking a man who'd been stopped on suspicion of possessing drugs,

PC Matthew Harries, 36 was found guilty of actual bodily harm at Southwark Crown Court today Wednesday, 22 October.

He pleaded not guilty to the offence and has been sentenced to six months imprisonment.

The charges refer to an incident on 5 April 2013 in a Park Royal car park when PC Harries stopped and searched Justin Small on suspicion of possession of drugs.

During the search PC Harries struck Mr Small in the face and also applied a knee strike.

Mr Small complained to the IPCC about PC Harries's use of force. He had stopped off at Nandos to use the facilities on his way back to his home in Sussex when he was challenged by PC Harries.

A Directorate of Professional Standards (DPS) investigation took place and the CPS subsequently authorized a charge of ABH.

DPS Detective Chief Superintendent Alaric Bonthron said: "Where an officer's behaviour falls short of the very high standards that we and the public expect of them then it is only right that they are held to account for their actions.

"The actions of one officer abusing his position in this way can cast a shadow over the thousands of officers who are on duty right now demonstrating bravery, compassion, integrity and professionalism.

"There is no place in the Metropolitan Police Service for officers and staff who do not uphold our values."

PC Harries has been suspended and disciplinary proceedings will be held in due course.


22nd October 2014