Wise Up to The Pick-Pockets

Customers in Ealing to be given crime prevention help

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Cabinet member for community services and safety, Councillor Ranjit Dheer with officers from the safer communities and Ealing Broadway Safer Neighbourhoods teams, alongside Matthew McMillan and Andy Pay from Ealing BID.

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“Don’t let it be you” is the message being given to office workers and customers in Ealing Broadway cafes, shops and other businesses as part of a campaign to reduce pick-pocketing and theft.

Ealing Council’s safer communities team has produced crime prevention packs containing items to make it harder for criminals to snatch bags, purses or other valuables. Packs include a bag hook which can be easily attached to a table, enabling bags to be hung beside their owner; and a clip to make it harder for thieves to open zips.

The team has joined forces with the police and Ealing BID (Business Improvement District) to give out the packs and crime prevention tips to customers as they enjoy their coffees or lunches. The partners have also visited offices in the area, Thames Valley University and intend to visit pubs in the town centre.

Councillor Ranjit Dheer, cabinet member for community services and safety said: “We are proud that Ealing is a great place to shop, work and socialise with lots of places to eat out in or have a coffee. But it’s easy to be distracted when out and about and we don’t want to see anyone’s day being ruined by being a victim of crime.

“This campaign is about reminding people to keep their belongings safe and providing them with devices to help them do that.”

Sergeant Ross Parker from Ealing Broadway Safer Neighbourhood Team said: “The loss of a handbag or purse is often very distressing for a victim. Bags left on the backs of chairs or by people’s feet on the floor are often considered safe but this is not the case.

“It takes seconds for a person to dip a purse or lift a handbag in that situation. We hope the combination of raising awareness and handing out the excellently simple 'dipping' packs will reduce that opportunity for potential thieves.”




27th March 2013