Olympic Tickets - How Much is Too Much?

After various councils are criticised how has Ealing fared?

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With local authorities throughout the country having to make huge cuts to their budgets some have come under fire over spending on 2012 Olympic Games tickets.

Some councils didn't apply for any, but Hackney - which approved £47 million savings this year - is paying £46,000 for seats.

Over 500 tickets have been bought by Essex County Council at a cost of more than £23,000.

Hillingdon has bought £19,530-worth of tickets - but will give them all away to children.

Ealing Today member, Mark Law, asked about Ealing's plans and was told the council had bought 37 tickets.

These are for events in which it is hoped the Council sponsored "Team Ealing" local athletes will be competing. 35 of the tickets will be allocated to children in local authority care.

The other two tickets are for the Mayor and consort to represent the borough at the opening of the games.

The total cost of all the tickets is £4,605. Of this, the two opening ceremony tickets cost a total of £300 - which was the lowest cost tickets available.

Mr Law says: ''I am very pleased to say that our Council has shown a very commendable approach and appropriate restraint, and believe their responsible attitude to the provision of free tickets to Council Officers and Members ought to be applauded.''



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3rd November 2011