North Korean Art Success

Exhibition of work from DPR Korea

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An art exhibition held at the North Korean embassy on Gunnersbury Avenue proved to be more successful than the curator could have imagined.

The doors of the suburban detached house in W3 were opened to the public for the first time earlier this month and hundreds of people streamed in to see the work of artists from the Mansudae Art Studio, a prestigious academy in Pyongyang.

Curator, David Heather, said some visitors came from as far away as Devon to view the exhibition and many Americans in London were keen to see the offerings too.

The works - a mixture of prints, oils and embroideries have been on sale - the cheapest for £200 and the most expensive the Tiger by Kim Chol for £30,000.

The London Tower Poppies proved particularly timely and with an asking price of £6,000 has attracted huge interest.

Mr Heather said the artists were very happy with how their work had been received and added : '' The reaction has been extremely positive.'

The exhibition is now closed to the public.




13th November 2014