Ealing Liberal Democrat Campaigner Dies

Tributes paid to Southall Parliamentary Candidate Nikki Thomson

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Nikki Thomson - 1967- 2012

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I'm very sad to report that Nikki Thomson was diagnosed this month with terminal cancer and Nikki passed away in Edinburgh early this morning.

Nikki was Liberal Democrat Parliamentary Candidate for Ealing Southall in 1997, getting half as many votes again as the previous candidate, and was also Chair of Ealing Southall Lib Dems, when she introduced the campaigning members' newsletter 'On the streets'.

Nikki and I met through the Young Liberals and got married in 1992. We started the FOCUS campaigning going in Ealing Common ward when we moved here which eventually was to lead to my election as a Councillor in 2002. Nikki received more votes than me in Ealing Common in 1998 so no doubt would have been elected as a Councillor in 2002 either instead of or as well as me, but she moved away to Edinburgh after we split up and subsequently divorced so that was not to be.

Nationally, Nikki was chair of the Young Liberal Democrats in 1989-90 and also created Liberal Youth's Activate! training events which still continue to this day. She was perhaps best known for spearheading the drive to persuade the Party to boycott Nestle over the baby milk issue. She was successful in getting this policy adopted at Conference in 1998 despite fierce lobbying by Nestle.

Nikki was a great liberal, a tireless campaigner and a great encourager of others and will be missed by many inside and outside the Party.

Cllr Jon Ball

29th June 2012

June 29, 2012